Friday, September 16, 2011

Rosh Hashanah is coming......

Rosh Hashanah is literally around the corner. The High Holy days. It brings a certain feeling of awe and fear. We are all on trial in front of the King of the world. It is a day of introspection, a day of reflection, and hopefully of good tidings.

So start reading up on this special holiday. There are hundreds of Jewish books on Rosh Hashanah alone! One particular book is called  "Rosh Hashanah: Season Of Majesty"  by Rabbi Zechariah Fendel. Clarifying; emunah concepts, ethical values, and hashkafah insights concerning Rosh Hashanah. A perfect Machzor companion.We at JUB have this and many other books for Rosh Hashanah in stock. Check it out.

Hey, We would love to hear your thoughts on Rosh Hashanah. Torah, Experiences, Thoughts etc..

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